
The man is a being that supplies its necessities by means of the work. Endowed with perception, it he can plan its action, idealize it in its thought before materialize it. To this Lukcs movement in Lessa, (1997, P. 24) calls previous-ideao, and explains that, ' ' by the previousone, the consequncias of the action are foreseen in the conscience, in such way that the result is idealized (that is, projected in the conscience) before it is constructed in prtica' '. When carrying through this exercise to think first (abstract) and to act later (concrete) the man obtains, still according to Lukcs, to transform the world where he is inserted according to purposes socially ece of fishes. For if relating with other individuals the man it develops the quality of sociable. It is in this space that its necessities are recriadas, it transforms itself exactly, it influences in the transformation of the other and the way.

Baroque it says that, a primary necessity, as the hunger, becomes social in the measure where its forms of satisfaction are determined socially and where, when being bred differentiated forms of satisfaction, changed the directions, abilities and potentialities of the citizen. (BAROQUE, 2001, P. 27). To the human being, also, it is inherent the necessity of diversion, distraction and satisfaction of itself exactly. Looking the diversion, to the man it implies the joy, the satisfaction and the freedom. In the game or the art the complete individual if, searchs inside of itself, what it exists of more diverse, When visualizing itself in a work of art, when identifying itself with the colors, the sounds, the personages the individual obtains ' ' to free-se' ' , to state its feelings of more concrete form. Being able of them of the image, Huyghe (1965, P. 14) explains that, ' ' the sighted exit is not alone the possibility offered to the soul of if exteriorizar, as it is also the possibility to conquer, in the proper expression, an ordinance organizadora' '.
