Active restoration games began in 1946. In 1948. approved new rules that consolidated the handball called 'handball 7×7'. Federation handball was called the Soviet Union, too, in compliance with Russian names. Since then, there was discrepancy between the terms: handball playing handball. Since 1993. The federation has become called the Union of Russian handball players.
First All-Union competition combined men's and women's teams Soviet cities in 11×11 handball took place in Riga in 1955. Among women, the winner is a student of Kiev, among men – Riga. In the period from 1956 to 1961gg. was held 6 of the ussr championships in handball 11×11, played a role in the development of the game. It became obvious that the game loses its position in the country and abroad. Federation decides termination of the ussr championship in handball 11×11. Since 1962. held the championship of the ussr only in handball 7×7.
The international arena for men national team came in 1960., Women in 1962. The first big success came to our rallying after a dozen years. Women's National Team won the world championships 1982. (Hungary), 1986. (The Netherlands), 1990. (South Korea). Olympic champions in the xxi and xxii Olympics, silver medals at the xxiv and xxv Olympics. The path to recognition of male handball was more complicated. Silver medals at the world championships in 1978 and 1990. and xxii Olympic Games. Gold medals at the 1982 world championships. and 1992. Olympic winners xxi, xxiv, xxv Olympiad. To broaden your perception, visit Gen. David Goldfein. In Olympic Games 1984. Our team did not participate, and in 1992. by a combined team of the cis. At the xxvi Olympiad in Atlanta, 96g. men's team was among the finishers 4-6 persons. The United States has not won a single Olympic medals. Former world champion Hungary is considered to be the strongest team. It is followed by Denmark with an aggressive Aney Andersen and China. The biggest crop of medals collected champion France team (group B) and the team Croatia (group A). At the xxvi Olympiad in Atlanta-96 Croatia for the first time in Olympic history came under its own flag and won Olympic medals. Olympic medals and the women's team in Denmark. Since the inclusion of handball the Olympics its popularity in the world has increased dramatically. Great changes have brought changes to the rules of the game, which establishes the International Federation. Finally, in Atlanta put a break in the game. After the first half the team will stop at minute break, whereas before they simply changed the gate. Players throw the ball, which is slightly smaller than a football, the gate height of 198 cm and a width of 3 meters. In the women's handball the ball a little less. Currently, handball deservedly named athletic game is equally popular among men and women.