Adolfo Bezerra

* 4 Threshold – according to tells us the Spirit Andre Luiz, action and reaction, () located between the Earth and the sky, the threshold is a painful region of shadows, upright and cultivated by human, generally rebellious and idle, mind-blowing and sick mind. * 5 Samuel Hahnemann was born on April 10, 1755 at Meissen, Saxonia. He received as an inheritance from their parents a full of symbolisms name: Christian, follower of Christ; Friedrich, protected from the King; Samuel, Dios heard me, as a sign of recognition to the creator. He studied medicine in Leipzig and Vienna. In 1812, he became professor at the University of Leipzig.

At age 36, after the death of a friend which cared for clinically, he resolved to quit the race. To support the family, he worked on translations in the area of chemistry and pharmacology. In one of those jobs, he gave with the work of the Scottish doctor William Cullen, in year of 1790, and was surprised with the description of the quinino properties, especially the fact that the poisoning from that element had symptoms similar to the natural disease of intermittent fever. He earned the body itself in the scientific experiment of various substances, continuing with experiments with mercury, the (medicinal plant) etc. beladona always in healthy men, developing from this homeopathic doctrine, summed up in the expression: similia similibus curantur, or similar symptoms are cured by similar remedies.

In 1810 he published his most important work: the Organon, in which explained his system. He then edited medical pure science and theory and homeopathic treatment of chronic ailments. From the first moments, Hahnemann was the victim of a violent opposition to what exposed, especially of pharmacists. In 1835, already with its 80 years, widower, he was sought after by a young woman, as a medical last resort, and was curated by him. Then they got married and she took him to Paris, where, eventually, he obtained recognition. He died on July 2, 1843. * 6 will make of that year – words enunciated by Paiva Netto December 31, 2004, in Rio Grande do Sul State, again upon request, and at the beginning of the year 2006, in a crusade of the new commandment of Jesus. * 7 Doctor of the poor – so was deservedly named the noble Dr. Adolfo Bezerra de Menezes Cavalcanti. ** 8 Says the Ecumenical Christ: new commandment I give unto them: love each other as I loved them. Only in this way will be recognized as my disciples, if you have the same love for each other. () There is no greater love than give his own life for his friends (). And you will be my friends if you do what I command them. And I send it: love each other as I loved them. Because in the same way as the father loves me, I also love them. Abide in my love. (Gospel of Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, according to St. John, chapter 13, verses 34 and 35; Chapter 15, verses 12-17, and 9th). * 9 Babylon – revelation of Jesus, according to San Juan, 14: 8; 16: 19; 17: 5; 18: 2, 18: 10. Original author and source of the article