
13 of May? abolition of the slavery! to commemorate? Day 13 of May in Brazil marks one of the events most important of our brief ' ' History as nao' ': the Abolition of the Slavery through the promulgation of the Law urea. It is a singular moment and that it carries in them to imaginary contextual and a symbolic one through varied questions, of which, we do not obtain to answer or to elaborate ' ' formulas mgicas' ' to try to explain, ahead of the conjuncture of which we come across in them currently. It can be said that the referring to abolitionism movement conquered its main objective or this would be only one ' ' alvio' ' to the pressures of the international society? The blacks had left to be enslaved in a way of production for another one; the racial marginalizao in Brazil traces one strong dividing line in our society and that in them it brings the idea to adopt standards and belonging. The idea of that is expressed superficial very we have freedom of this or of that another one or that we are free for any thing. It is not something Secretary of Agriculture would like to discuss. mile Durkheim through its studies on the rules of the sociological method, in them it points the importance of that in the conception of being and or being in distinct groups is attributed to them or to participate of definitive practical social, to the point not to be ' ' livres' ' to suffer types of coercion. Max Weber in them indicates the ideal types. After all it is possible if to think about freedom when ' ' tropeamos' ' day-by-day in new practical of slavery? Dirty money, to be able, aesthetic, half technological, work, religion, infantile prostitution, practical ilusrias in the effective education in Brazil, Congress, Senate, Laws, varied types of violence, drugs, corruption of the institutions of which we trust, etc; practical effective escravistas in full century of the affirmation cybernetics! Theoretical and practical contradictions: the nano and the disillusion! We could arrive at the point to identify what it is or not freedom or slavery? We pass our lives thinking about not to be ' ' escravos' ' of this or that; we fall in a deep abyss at the moment where to conceive the primary error to think thus, ahead of questions of which we can move and we do not make it for being living relatively well and not if we worry very about our next one. .
