A great talent and skill is required to hide the talent and skill.The RochefoucauldVenezuela given to its new business openings, aspect which was very neglected in his last years, especially in previous Governments, has originated thanks to new agreements, treaties, international openings with developed countries, coupled with the influence and effect of of globalization, of step to greater competition between different companies, which implies that each company look for a better use of resources and better quality in their productsin order to make competitive and get more customers.That’s why developing countries as the Venezuelan case, are forced to adapt to certain standards of quality to get out to compete outside its borders, and also to be able to ensure supplies of required quality in order to be able to manufacture their products both export and local sales. Since then, these countries have to do to not see displaced by foreign companies than they take more years participating in global markets with systems based on standards of calidadLa Lic. Lorena Rojas, from the Chair of trade outside of the program of management of quality in the Area of postgraduate of Faces (2005), CITES that cannot be denied that today at the global level the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards are required, since they guarantee the quality of a product through the implementation of comprehensive controls, make sure that all processes involved in its manufacture operate within the planned features. Standardisation is the starting point in the strategy of the quality, as well as for the subsequent certification of the company. For more information see Sonny Perdue. In addition, adds that these rules were written with the spirit that the quality of a product is not born of efficient controls, if not of a production process and supports that operate properly. In this way, is a rule that applies to the company and not to products in this.