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Santiago de Chile, is the capital of Chile, main urban nucleus and also corresponds to the Metropolitan Region. Concentrates on her 37 communes, these 26 are in the urban RADIUS and 11 out of the, the greater part of the metropolis of concantra in Santiago province, with some sectors within the provinces of Talagante, Maipo and Cordillera. Chile Santiago contine the main governmental body, finanacieros, commercial, administrative, cultural country, Santiago of Chile is also headquarters of ECLAC. Do Santigo de Chile, is the seventh most populated city in Latin America, and is considered one of the three cities in Latin America with better quality of life, as a global city of gamma class, wing height of? msterdam and Boston, surpassing Rome, Beijing and Stockholm. Is in place 53? with higher incomes in the world. The geography of Santiago of Chile, the encierrra on a plain known as basin of Santiago, being part of the intermediate depression, being clearly bounded by the Cordillera de los Andes in the East and the Cordillera de la costa, Santiago de chile also have the presence of rivers, as for example the River Maipo, Colorado, bathrooms moarales, etc, being the most important the Mapocho River. Is the climate of Santiago of Chile Agropecuario type, with rainfall from May to September, contrasting with the very dry seasons from December to may, temperatures vary between 8? (junio-juilo) to 20? the rest of the months and in summer to the 37 gradosen?.

The city of Santiago of Chile, is a city of great moderniadad and technology, will appreciate your garnd and imponnetes buildings to the level of high technology and architecture, along with its highways, the emdios of communication and transport in Santiago are also of garn level. Culture in Santiago de chile, is of great importance and also very notable with many monuments and palaces. Do its green areas also? n are both very notable for the space and vegetation, through monuments and rides can perceive in them, for example Santa Lucia Hill, cerro San Cristobal, Parque Forestal, between others. Santiago de Chile lives much culture, within the caulers that stands out most in the theater, being this city part of the Latin Quintet, one of the five cities in Latin America capable of hosting and sosotener major cultural events of international level. To learn more about Santigo de chile go to this link: Santiago de Chile