Posts tagged as «society and culture»
1.1.4 Karat in the Bahia At the beginning of years 60, arrived in the Bahia Japanese master Masahiro Saito, 4 Dan de Jud and with some knowledge of karat, passing first the 18 teachings of Karat in the Bahia. In the year of 1961 the Japanese Eisuki Oishi, 19 years, that were not still black band, but with great experience in the art of karat in its native country changed itself for the Bahia, in the Bahia started here to teach karat in the gymnasium of the Acrpole, for a group of ten people. Costco has firm opinions on the matter. Amongst these pupils, it was Denilson the Caribbean, that already had knowledge of other martial arts, as the Jiu Jitsu. Fifteen days after the beginning of the course, Oishi presented serious stomachal problems, caused for the fort tempers Bahian. Without money, sick person and without knowing to say Portuguese, the young Oishi Master was banishes from the pension where she was housed. After three days without appearing to the training, Denlson decided to look the young Master.
It found Oishi in state depressing, with fever and dehydrated. The Caribbean took Oishi for its house, where it passed eight days from there if recouping of maltreatment, being born a great friendship and a pact between the two friends: The Caribbean would teach to the Oishi the Portuguese language and Oishi would teach to the Caribbean the techniques most advanced of karat. Denlson soon was distinguished in the training being to the front of the group that trained in the Acrpole. In 1966, Oishi was called to appear with urgency to Japan to decide problems related to the family, and left the Caribbean in charge continuing the training. Then purple band, the Caribbean searched orientaes of the great masters of karat that they passed for Brazil giving course on the art, amongst which was Yasutaka Tanaka. The Caribbean obtained to conciliate the Karat with the work that carried through in Petrobra’s and if the first Black Band of the Bahia became.
The man is a being that supplies its necessities by means of the work. Endowed with perception, it he can plan its action, idealize it in its thought before materialize it. To this Lukcs movement in Lessa, (1997, P. 24) calls previous-ideao, and explains that, ' ' by the previousone, the consequncias of the action are foreseen in the conscience, in such way that the result is idealized (that is, projected in the conscience) before it is constructed in prtica' '. When carrying through this exercise to think first (abstract) and to act later (concrete) the man obtains, still according to Lukcs, to transform the world where he is inserted according to purposes socially ece of fishes. For if relating with other individuals the man it develops the quality of sociable. It is in this space that its necessities are recriadas, it transforms itself exactly, it influences in the transformation of the other and the way.
Baroque it says that, a primary necessity, as the hunger, becomes social in the measure where its forms of satisfaction are determined socially and where, when being bred differentiated forms of satisfaction, changed the directions, abilities and potentialities of the citizen. (BAROQUE, 2001, P. 27). To the human being, also, it is inherent the necessity of diversion, distraction and satisfaction of itself exactly. Looking the diversion, to the man it implies the joy, the satisfaction and the freedom. In the game or the art the complete individual if, searchs inside of itself, what it exists of more diverse, When visualizing itself in a work of art, when identifying itself with the colors, the sounds, the personages the individual obtains ' ' to free-se' ' , to state its feelings of more concrete form. Being able of them of the image, Huyghe (1965, P. 14) explains that, ' ' the sighted exit is not alone the possibility offered to the soul of if exteriorizar, as it is also the possibility to conquer, in the proper expression, an ordinance organizadora' '.
The ingression in the public life was pretension of this classroom also, that would be being offered for the professionalizing schools what it left many people of low income without participation, therefore did not have conditions to keep its children in the schools. To the World-wide Organization of Turismo (OMT), the capacity of if acquiring ability must be transferred in efficient way to the workstation, thus presenting, a proposal where the education not with value in itself exactly, but as half of determination of success of a sector of economy (Barreto, Tamanini, Peixer. 2004). This is the debate that interests in them for the present work, since it seems to be the problematic greater of many areas of formation, also the tourism. A good professional education makes possible a greater and better development and income in any sector of work mainly when the professors are trained and enabled in efficient way. According to Matias (2005), the education encloses knowledge and experiences acquired for an individual during all the life, in the social relations and of work that are related of implicit form in the professional formation of each one. From then on it are established laws for an improvement in the bases of Brazilian education. The Law of Lines of direction established some half laws that emphasized the technician as one of the forms to not only show clearly the interest of economic groups of Brazilians, but also of foreign nations. Therefore, the first models of schools were seemed the one of the foreign schools. When pointing out the paper of the university, Barreto, Tamanini, Peixer (2004) affirm that this would have as function the one form to characterize and to enable professionals since whom it was not only of operational character, but that it had a basement theoretical and practical with a bigger complexity to be presented in the diverse levels of education.
All is known that the social construction and philosophical demand time and space to develop itself. Paradigm in addition does not happen of one day for the other; they are announced in uncurling of history. 1.3OBJETIVOS 1.3.1Objetivo Generality: To present the Historical Materialism Dialtico as methodology of social research and its contributions for the construction of knowing in Tourism. 1.3.2Objetivos Specific: – To raise philosophical and historical influences in the epistemologia of the Tourism – To think the estimated ones of the tourism as phenomenon historical partner. – To justify the importance of the theoretical evolution of the Tourism – To oppose the positivista thought and its influences in the scientific production. 1.4DELIMITAO the present research searchs the survey of estimated epistemolgicos of the tourism and its development, considering a philosophical reflection of its structures, based on methods of social research. The choice of the boarding and methods of research is on intrinsicamente to the subject of this work. The interpretation of the sources gotten to the light of the philosophy, psychology, fenomenologia, anthropology confers a vision humanist to the work, without losing the normatizao and scientific method, that allow the ticket of the knowledge, following the philosophical and social estimated ones adopted by the researcher.
MINAYO (2001) places the shock between epistemes of research, and sketches the necessity to reflect respect of the social research: Such reflection if becomes particularly basic for our object of study in this notebook, the social research. The enormous interrogation around the cientificidade of social sciences if unfolds in some questions. The first one says respect to the concrete possibility to deal with a reality to which proper we, while human beings, are agents. This order of knowledge would not escape radically to all possibility of objetivao? In according to place, it will be that, searching the objetivao proper of natural sciences, we would not be depriving of characteristics what has of essential in the phenomena and social processes, that is, the deep one felt given by the subjectivity? (MINAYO, 2001, p.11) the scientific production does not need to follow a laboratorial, experimental line to demonstrate its validity.
The courses of tourism and of would hotelaria must give to the students an ample vision to multidiscipline with interfaces that allow the interdisciplinaridade. Of this form, the pupil, when locking up the studies, would be prepared to face the professional activities that require dynamism and multiples knowledge (Ansarah, 2002, p 25). One notices that the necessity of modification of the curricular gratings will be able to form hand of workmanship capable to pass the diverse knowledge acquired during the academic life in any area offered for the tourism, in which the requirements asked for in the market could be supplied, but that, however, they must also prioritize the humanistic formation and critical capacity of this professional. The president of National Frum of the Courses of Turismo and Hotelaria, teacher Tnia Omena, affirmed that the development of the tourist sector led to an evolution of the related institutions of education to the area. Tnia still detached that it had increase of the publication production on tourism, also with the search biggest for research and statisticians, and that the professors have looked a bigger preparation for the classroom.
The teacher evaluated, however, that many of the 600 courses of tourism in the Country do not fulfill the requirements curricular and qualified professors do not have libraries nor. Of this form, the challenge of the educational institutions is to create a epistemolgica conception, that is, to take off the market character purely where this to know if transformed and to make with what the professor also directs the content for theoretical and scientific context of the tourism. The tourism professors must search constant specialization and construction of solid academic career, being that practical pedagogical basic they must be inserted in the such, classrooms as, quarrel of studies of cases, elaboration of integrated projects of research with others you discipline, epistemolgica conception of the tourism and related sciences, appropriation of the scientific methodology in its works, marketing vision by means of contact with tourism companies (BRUSADIN, 2007).