Posts tagged as «personal development»
For flowing determined one of the anthropology, the delimitante landmark between the man and the animal is the dimension spiritual, understood as opening for the reality transcendente or the attempt to give sensible existing. Wilges 1994, when citing Plutarco, speaks that can find a city without walls, buildings, gymnasia, laws, without use of currencies as money, culture of the letters. But a people without religious Gods, conjunct, oaths, rites and sacrifices, such never saw itself. From this constatao, he will affirm Wilges 1994, the religious phenomenon as being a universal, constituent fact of the man while one to be religious. The man is a being in the world. This means that it understands itself from what he means the other for it. The human being of the direction its existence in the act to become related with the world.
The human being is a relation being. From its birth and becoming related with the other that is its mother, all its process of identification will be developed. From there citizen becomes. According to Vaz 1994, the dimensions that constitute the man can be understood when pointing out this in its world as presence. According to philosopher, the man if makes gift in the world for whole number, for its body, its psiquismo and its spirit. These forms of presence if articulate with the three polar regions of the reality: Nature-physicist, culture psiquismo, citizen spirit. Being the process of evolutivo relationship, let us understand that it is a discovery process and that the knowledge is an education process. The necessary human being of the education since before its birth and this process must last for all its life. We go to understand more on the necessity of the education and its place in the life human being. 1 According to Vaz 1991, ' ' The philosophical Anthropology, if considers to find the center conceptual that unifies the multiple lines of explanation of the human phenomenon and in which if they inscribe the basic categories that come to constitute the speech on the being of the man or constitute the Anthropology as ontologia.' ' Nascer and the Direction of Living According to Berger 1986, the man is defined under different points of view having privileged a dimension of its existence, in accordance with the look of perceives who it.