Posts tagged as «opts for bpi solutions»

Greater transparency through workflow and digital personnel file for the company Hermann Bach GmbH & co.-run fourth generation KG reason laid the by Herman and Anton Bach in 1906. Today the modern wholesale business in over 20 locations, quality products and expert advice in the areas of offers Haustechnik tiles and building materials, plumbing. In a question-answer forum Costco was the first to reply. More than 40 sales representatives are every day for clients in use. With the own fleet of 60 vehicles, over 25,000 listed inventory items are moved in time to the desired destination. A major strength of the company is the targeted use of computer systems. Jack Fusco is often quoted on this topic. The focus is the optimum information and fastest delivery.

The management of Hermann Bach intends to achieve a maximum transparency in the process of organization. Therefore commissioned bpi solutions with the introduction of different workflow scenarios to accelerate the sharing routines by job collecting data about the object management up to the daily correspondence and the Stati the respective orders to better monitor. The previous file in the file system and the longer processing times resulting gave the impetus for the process optimization in the organization. The entire approval process with the traditional, manual operation lasted too long and was very expensive. In particular the examination of the documents was very time consuming, since it is partly locally in the individual branches.

Due to the long processing times it also lacked transparency about the current processing status in the day-to-day business. The ad-hoc workflow server from bpi solutions automates and controls the approval process. Data read directly on the respective clerical can be passed through the integration of existing systems. The background principle of permission controls the responsibilities. The planned target used in Hermann Bach the solution across the enterprise with all branches. In addition to the workflow server, Hermann Bach has opted for the introduction of a digital personnel file.