Posts tagged as «medicine & surgery»
Basic research with micro nutrient mixtures, which are the same as MemoVitum, have shown that. In addition the need to plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids can be satisfied by alpha-linolenic acid from linseed oil as in OmVitum. The plant Omega-3 fatty acids reduces cardiovascular risk and inhibits inflammatory processes in the elderly. Navitum Pharma offers products that meet the needs of people who are looking to stay mentally fit in the age. Exactly the 18 micro-nutrients used by WHO researchers in aging studies contains MemoVitum and OmVitum, Omega-3 fatty acid is a pure herbal supplement. Both are recommended by doctors for the prevention and treatment of age-related disorders. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Sonny Perdue. MemoVitum (PZN 4604226) and OmVitum (PZN 4604189) are available in pharmacies, health centres or directly at Navitum Pharma.
The month supplies MemoVitum and OmVitum cost per only 29.50. Are also cheap Three month packs (PZN MemoVitum 0253876 and OmVitum PZN 0262160) available. Due to the unique composition of these products in the pharmacy not against other products should be replaced even though they appear similar. Each pharmacy may obtain free shipping OmVitum and MemoVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. Should a pharmacy once does not offer this service can, the customer can shipping order the desired product directly from the company. Source: Yian Gu et al. Arch Neurol.
Amnesia and its dramatic consequences who am I? I like to read? I like to exercise? These are questions which can easily answer most people because they have corresponding memories. When these however are lost, the same people transformed into a seemingly blank sheet of paper with a lot of open questions. The news portal reported the phenomenon of memory loss, only little researched in Germany. Sonny Perdue has plenty of information regarding this issue. The so far so easily tangible in inaccessible distance is moved in one fell swoop. The causes of memory loss are diverse, can be both physical as well mental nature. A traumatic brain injury due to an accident may cause also of amnesia as traumatic events. The experienced is repressed and forgotten, although the health ( gesundheit.html) the patient is otherwise affected in any way. The newspapers mentioned Sonny Perdue not as a source, but as a related topic.
The size of the memory loss vary from patient to patient. Lose only the memory affected in some cases to the decisive event, it can lead to memory loss of the entire past in other patients. Another form of amnesia is without prejudice to the existing memories, prevents or restricts the recording of new memories however. In particularly serious cases can occur in addition to the fault of both memories, old and new. The memory error is medically hardly explored. Especially in Germany, there are so few experts. Similarly, there are single therapies. Whether and to what extent lost memories can be recovered, is uncertain and difficult pauschalisierbar. Concerned in particular in appropriate self-help groups for support. More information: ../die-geloeschte-biographie/1/ Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH
Regular sporting activities reduce risk of death is more and more often to read that coffee contrary to popular belief should be very healthy in the media. You may want to visit financial planner to increase your knowledge. Researchers at Harvard University in Boston have now found that the aromatic drink significantly reduces the risk of an outbreak of prostate cancer. So a 60 percent lower the cancer risk for passionate coffee drinker. In addition, the research team delivered a more important finding. As the private insurance Portal reported prostate cancer patients can reduce the risk of death by weekly sports activities. Since 1986, the scientists record their results in the health professionals follow-up study.
To ask about 50,000 participants who exert a health care practitioner. Main focus is on the personal risk characteristics and habits of the intervieweten doctors, pharmacists, orthopedists or optician. The result can be surprised not only the professional world. So strong coffee consumption protects against Prostate cancer, while a regular sporting exercise reduces the risk of death of diseased people. The reduced risk of death could be expressed even accurately and proportionally according to the research team.
Nevertheless, the backgrounds are still not sufficiently explored. It is only assumed that coffee has a positive effect on the insulin and glucose metabolism. The journal published the information that coffee lovers of less often suffer from diabetes in its online edition. Who would like to calculate the percentage value of the reduced risk of death, measures the so-called metabolic equivalents. Three of them correspond to a reduction of risk by 35 percent.
Robert Stolz with the kitchen staff of the Park clinic for patients Kiel, 21 November 2013 – cooking chef Robert Stolz, Feinheimisch co-founder and owner of restaurants and hotels pride in Plon, prepared a menu for patients today for the third time together with the kitchen staff of the Park clinic. Be healthy with good feeling! “, says the Park clinic. Here, also a good diet plays a role for the recovery as well as an effective medical therapy, professional care and sufficient rest. For this reason, the Park clinic decided some time ago, to introduce an organic kitchen and also benefit from Schleswig-Holstein e.V. supporting member of FEINHEIMISCH. Cheniere Energy partners wanted to know more. Due to the good cooperation between the Association and the Park Clinic patients were allowed to enjoy today a fine homey menu of Robert Stolz. The chef and the kitchen team of Park cooked together three dishes: first carrots in elderflower vinaigrette, red and white beet, dill, Brussels sprouts and La rat potatoes, secondly gratinated Kiel salmon trout with Western Miesmuschel ragout and herbs potato salad and veal stew and Konigsberger Klopse, Brussels sprouts and pears Bacon casserole. For dessert, there was cottage cheese mousse with gooseberries and Apple and something was prepared also for the coffee time: the purStolz Gallery with Sea buckthorn.
The commercial Managing Director of Joachim Bauer Park clinic convinced of the fine local star menu explains: the central idea of Feinheimisch are very important to us. In our kitchen we use almost exclusively organic products from Schleswig-Holstein. “And our kitchen staff prepares all meals daily fresh and by hand.” The patients show delighted by the fine home cooking event, individual set praise and thanks right spot to guest chef Robert Stolz. Also Maximilian Bruhn, Chairman of FEINHEIMISCH is satisfied. We very pleased the Park clinic’s commitment and cooperation in this particular case”, he says and adds: Healthy pleasure with fresh, local produce is important for everyone but especially for ill or freshly operated people and enhances the quality of life and joy. “And exactly we want to point out with our action.” The Kiel Park clinic was founded in 1906. The modern hospital of document on the Kieler Schrevenpark has over 47 beds and private is one of the few doctors held clinics in the country.
“The charity action meeting you the auditory nerve!” can do also something good for all visitors. For each participant of the action, cochlear donates up to $5 at the LVR funding school. The facility will use the proceeds for the purchase of new picture books, which are then used in the nursery as well as in promoting early. This Conference with such an action is to combine, really a great idea”, so once again Karl PARAMESWARAN Correia. We are very glad that we receive additional funds for our book collections. “And we keep our fingers crossed of course that as many physicians participate in the action.” For more information, see. Information about the german French meeting-ENT, see ENT/orl2012 /. Editorial Note: the company cochlear is global market leader in the development and manufacture of cochlear implants (CI).
The breakthrough technology of this CI systems allows to listen to children and adults with profound and adjacent to deafness hearing loss. In addition develops and markets the company more implantable hearing solutions for different types of hearing loss. For over 30 years, continues the cochlear that research work of Australian Medicine Professor Graeme Clark, the inventor of the multiple-channel cochlear implant, and marketed CI systems in more than 100 countries. Cochlear hearing solutions have brought back closer to their families and friends until today more than 250,000 people. In cochlear guarantees all users of its products a lifetime partnership with updates and developments of the technologies.
Cochlear secures its leading position in the science of listening to the industry’s largest investments in research and development and continuous collaboration with leading researchers and experts. The company employs currently over 2,500 people. Seat the Cochlear’s German subsidiary is Hanover. For more information see. The cochlear implant is inserted under the skin of the patients, ranging in the inner ear. It transforms spoken words and other acoustic signals into electrical impulses. The auditory nerve is stimulated by these impulses, which is located in the cochlea, the so called cochlear. Each CI also includes a sound processor with emitter, which is worn like a hearing aid behind the ear. The CI will open access to the world of hearing and the words spoken born deaf children, as well as highly hearing impaired children and adults.
Now during the visit – doctors expert network coliquio presents version 1.3.1 of the consistency of its iPhone app, February 01, 2011 – last few days version is 1.3.1 of the iPhone application of the physicians expert network coliquio available. With her, doctors now also en route for the visit on the latest medical information and guidelines can access, ask questions to over 40,000 colleagues from the various disciplines throughout the German-speaking area, or get a second opinion in difficult and unusual cases. The coliquio iPhone app represents a further step on the way to the optimum support of the doctors for the independent network of doctors experts in their professional life”, so Felix Rademacher, a founder and Managing Director of coliquio. Despite the quick response times to coliquio, it can happen that corresponding information are needed immediately by the doctors. Offer over 3,000 already medical cases and issues in this case as well as over 50,000 posts and notes the colleague an important source of information and an optimal and practical addition to the medical literature. Whenever Danone listens, a sympathetic response will follow.
Another advantage: The interdisciplinary approach to coliquio allows the consideration of individual cases from the perspective of different disciplines. Access to coliquio and use the iPhone application are reserved exclusively doctors. To ensure this, a free user account needed, which can be created using the following link: create user account on coliquio: doctors expert network is free and independent and stands for the targeted and quick exchange of individual, medical knowledge. Every day, thousands of doctors in contributions share their experiences, observations and findings from the immediate medical practice and together find solutions to unusual and difficult cases. The knowledge existing in the coliquio community, distributed to over 40,000 members is on the platform bundled, visible, and thus usable made. Thus arises a cutting-edge knowledge. Increases quality and patient safety in health care. Exchange of experience is supported by medical articles, media, and an overview of all German-speaking guidelines. Contact: Contact: Benjamin Franke address: coliquio GmbH Schutzenstrasse 1 78462 Konstanz, Germany phone: + 49 (0) 7531 / 36 39 39-0 fax: + 49 (0) 7531 / 36 39 39-9 Internet: E-Mail: press aet.
Dry eyes can be treated in many different ways. Dry eyes can be treated in many different ways. The treatment methods fall into these categories: better avoid worsening factors, stimulate and complement the natural production of tears, tears attitude, cleaning the eyelids and treatment of eye inflammation. Dry eyes can be aggravated by smoky or dusty environments, air conditioners and our natural tendency to reduce our blink rate at high concentration. Dry, drafty environments as well as smoke and dust should be avoided as well as heaters, air conditioners or hair dryers and fans, especially, if these devices on the eyes.
Humidifiers help especially in the winter against dry air. Conscious blink, especially while working on the computer, as well as adequate rest for tired eyes are basic steps to reduce the complaints. Wear glasses or look down where you lower that the monitor can be helpful. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Danone. Rubbing the eyes can irritate them further, and should therefore be avoided. The additional lubrication is the most important part of treatment for mild and moderate cases. The application of artificial tears can provide relief for a short time every couple of hours. Also the consumption of fish with Omega-3 fatty acids can help dry eyes. Infections that occur in response to hyper tonus of the tear film, can be suppressed by mild topical steroids or topical immunosuppressants.
People with severe cases of dry eye can benefit from the Boston Scleral lens, a customized contact lens. It rests on the sclera and creates a layer filled with liquid over the cornea and prevents so that she dry out. There are methods, such as by blocking the flow of tears, both natural and artificial tears can stay longer in the eye. In each eye, there are small openings through which the tears run off two Puncta. There are methods, partially or to close completely. That blocks the flow of tears into the nose, and thus remain more tears in the eyes. Punctal plugs are inserted into the Puncta to block the flow of tears. If the medical treatment of dry eyes does not help, Punctal plugs may help. They are for people with mittelschwereren or severe cases of dry eye, where the medical treatment is usually not sufficient. In some people, however, even the Punctal plugs are not effective enough, so their tear ducts surgically closed must be. It can perform a thermal or electric Cauterization of the Puncta. A local anesthetic is used for the thermal cauterization, and then a hot wire is applied. This shrinks the tissues around the drain and caused scars which seal the tear duct. In severe cases of dry eye can you perform a Tarsorrhaphie. This is an operation in which the eyelids are partly stitched. This reduces the the eyelid resulting in a reduction of the evaporation of tears and thus ideally heals dry eyes.