Posts tagged as «leisure and humor»
And most importantly – do not be afraid to dream! Once I was invited to the next favorite mesyachinu fly round the world trip, appointed at the meeting and place – near the station, and she proceeded to careful preparation. Denoting pedestrian city route "from the railway station – the main streets – to bolverkskoy River Station>>. Outlined a more exciting place. Unsealed section of map of the city to mark locations and hid them at the control points. According to the rules invented by me, he was obliged to lead me along the route, finding and using alternate cards. Straight from the station we headed to our original point – it was Mexico (small statue-cactus in the center of town), then we ran past Brazil (very serial Brazilian coffee) and the African past (the name of beauty).
Then we went to Holland (city bed), Switzerland (bank branch, located under the electronic street clock), Niagara Sutherland (fountain in the park), visits to Venice (embankment), saw Peter (bridge over the river) and near visited the Brandenburg Gate (Arch of administrative buildings). Others who may share this opinion include David A. Wagner. At the very end Journeys favorite awaited congratulations A4 in the town bulletin board, and naturally, the Swiss-German-African kiss. Time spent well! Phones pozitiFFF. On the day of birth parents gave favorite popular cell phone. And I promised to present "Thing>> for his new clothes, without which it can do no good mobile! A few days before I phoned absolutely all their buddies and friends from different cities to ask for help This is the day of the X – and I gave him his own custom certificate for "Ride the phone positives>>. And in the morning the phone started pumped – he wrote and my friends from different cities, he congratulated him singing songs he sent sms on his birthday. The whole day was filled with smiles and good mood.
Story for him. In one of mesyachin I have thought plain playful tales about our relationship and began telling him in the morning on the proposals. The first proposal sent him an sms Coy (found on, another piece of paper given to him by my friend who works with him, and the third to him on the phone gave my best friend, the fourth I sent him on icq etc. Modes of transmission was a huge mass. And, finally, in conclusion, I told him myself, this evening at the meeting. I spent only a few examples of how to make a surprise and make a wonderful gift – take note and share your own experiences. The main thing – do not be afraid to dream!
Every person who has got any favorite hobby is constantly striving to find teammates. And not only for this, to feel not alone, but also so that the joy of preferred classes in was able to share someone who really understands these issues. And often personal gain passion that will not share any of loved ones. In this case, the search for allies is particularly important to feel really happy. This is especially true in situations where the favorite subjects related to the periodic activation. By the way, if you – a football fan. When looming game favorite football team, the whole world is brighter and more attractive, because that shortly football.
In such a case, multiple fans, before leaving the game, always go to a football forum to discuss- a future event. And for a long time until the desired match on the football portal is undergoing its most furious battle, because everyone has a chance to express their own opinions, to try to predict the outcome of the fight and the like. Besides, who until then had not felt the adrenalin rush, never realize that he felt people watching the game the most beloved football team. A waiting game – it's not a lot less fun. Naturally, if it really share with anyone from those who truly can understand the extent to which certain players are strong, and moreover how right or wrong in a sports trainer in creating tactics game.
Soon the football World Cup and difficult to even imagine what achievements await our players. Consider future matches, the likely opponents and game development favorite athletes – great fun. Because for a lot of fans, especially those who, due to various reasons unable to attend the game, the most enticing may be a variety of sports bars, where the direct transfer of matches, and football forum site. However, not just as global events like the World Cup, but even friendlies, without thinking about the championship of Russia has consistently provoked enormous interest among fans. It is not got no discussion, no sharing own thoughts on this account. Moreover, we all know that many fans and in addition, make bets to win a particular football team. And in order to identify the leaders in this aspect, the reasonable consult with his buddies. This does not mean that the bet on the first-born to – in fact the probability of winning at sports betting is greater when he won the black horse. It's just the kind of game. It is not suggested gift a great man, that is entirely our life – solid game.