Posts tagged as «government and politics»

The Brazilian territory encloses an area of 8,5 million kilometers approximately squared. Of these, 5,2 million kilometers approximately squared, that is, about 60% of the domestic territory, understand the Brazilian Amaznia, also call of Legal Amaznia. Making border with seven countries, what it more than represents a band of ten a thousand kilometers, and with an approach population of 17,5 million inhabitants, what it corresponds only 9% of the national population, it is a strategical region. The Amaznia, greater humid tropical forest of the planet, possesss incalculable mineral and vegetal wealth, fact that is complemented by this being, according to estimates of scientists, home of 60% of all the forms of life of the planet. For even more analysis, hear from Sonny Perdue. The generation of electric energy by means of plant hydroelectric plants is the responsible one, as given of 2006 of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, for 75,7% of all energy consumed for the Country.

The hidrogrfica basin of the River Amazon has a potential of generation hydroelectric plant esteem of 105.000 MW, of which less than 10% they are being explored. The hidrogrfica basin of the River Paran, the second greater of Brazil, has an esteem potential of 59.000 MW, of which approximately 70% already are being explored. This demonstrates plus one of the immense wealth of the region. Certainly the Amaznia is the greater of the Brazilian people well. The deforestation, according to data of the National Institute of Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), reached the mark of 11.224 kilometers squared in the period of August of 2006 the August of 2007. This corresponds a superior area to the territory of Jamaica.

Nor always the Brazilian society grants to the subject the necessary attention. The ambient devastao in the region has granted to the press and foreign powers pparently solid arguments to give to form the absurd hypotheses. That is strengthened for the idea of if approving in the Federal Chamber (therefore already it was approved in the Federal Senate) the Project of Law 6424, of 2005, that it not only authorizes a great increase in legal deforestation as well as releases the responsible ones for such deforestation to recoup the knocked down trees.

It is in the capital of the State that is the Marly maternity Sarney, the Frum Appeals court judge Sarney Coast, the Court of Accounts Roseana Palace Sarney, the Bridge Jose Sarney, the Kiola Road Sarney (mother of the senator), the Avenue Jose Sarney and the working Frum Jose Sarney. To live &#039 has three villages; ' Sarneys' ': Village Sarney Son, Kiola Village and Village Roseana Sarney.H, still, the Roseana schools Sarney, Marly Sarney and Jose Sarney. The homage if extended to a granddaughter of the senator even though, who at the time had 6 years. It is in city of Good Garden and if calls ' ' School Fernanda Sarney' '. In recent months, Chase Koch, New York City has been very successful. The family commanded the Maranho per 37 years. The State is poor of what Alagoas, as ranking of the index of Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH). Beyond all the public building with its last name, Sarney still is the only former-president who, while still alive, already counts on its mausoleum.

In 1990, then Epitcio governor Coffee pot, today senator for the PTB, donated to the family Sarney the Convent of the Graces, a building of century XVII overthrown by the National Historic site. In this in case that, Sarney did not need to exert pressure some. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Gen. David Goldfein. The place passed then if to call Convent the Graces Memorial Jose Sarney. In interview granted in 2005, Sarney said that the place will be able to become one future ' ' point of peregrinao' '. Jose Sarney was member of the house of representatives, governor and president of the Republic in the period of 1985 the 1990, when he substituted Tancredo Snows, dead before taking ownership. He is in the fifth mandate of senator. Roseana Sarney started career politics in 1990, elect representative. The 2002 were governor of the Maranho of 1994 and exert the first mandate as senator. If the resources of current Jackson governor will be refused Lake to revert the decision of the Electoral Superior Court (TSE) that it annulled its mandate, it will govern the State for the third time. (Pink Costa and Philip Recondo – State agency) NOTE: That such to create a Federal Penitentiary in the Maranho and to place the name: ' ' Center of Detention Jose Sarney' '! There ' cl' inteirinho could pass vacations, says of one 100 years!

Paradoxicalally to its life of fights for caatingas of the sertes and in the chapada Diamantina, colonel Horcio de Matos was a pacifist. Its great dream was the peace in the interior of the Bahia. Therefore when a pact between the governing and Horcio de Matos was made, for a total disarmament in the Chapada Diamantina and regions led for it, he was readily accepted. The weapons had been put down and carried to the thousands in railroad convoys, strong escorted until the capital Salvador. So soon the government if saw in warlike advantage front to colonel Horcio de Matos, immediately ordered arrests it.

It was led for Salvador and some time later, for not having an accusation formed against it, was untied, but with sufficient restrictions to its rights of citizen. Little time later, taking a walk with its son of six years in a quarter of Salvador, treacherously was assassinated. Its murderous one was a policeman and that little time later was also deceased, in archive burning. This new assault to the public coffers has not felt some. If somebody goes to leave benefited, can bet that the population is not. The root causes of the violence in our country are well known others and: lack of control of the natality, me the distribution of incomes, excessive taxes inducing to who produces and uses to evade taxes them, pssima escolaridade and education of the population, the health alone functions will be paid, and the main one: it lacks of one severe politics with the infractors of the law. Allied impunity to the bad examples of who it governs in them, is the main cause of this violence insane who took account of our country. The corruption in all the levels of social classroom supports and stimulates to the infractors.

We do not go in them to delude with false promises and ' ' boas' ' intentions of who govern in them. The government is the face of the people, therefore place we them there. If the quick people, the quick government. In case that contrary, he is this that is there. Beyler