Posts tagged as «education & career»

Successful interviewing gain (new) customers! The sales pitch is a special challenge to the seller or the sales staff in the field and his social and communication skills. A special role is the negotiation within the acquisition and negotiation talk. It applies to the seller, to listen to respond individually to the customer to convince them, and to keep the own goal of conversation at any time. The open seminar: “sales successful discussions” on July 14, 2009 at the Mercure Hotel Stuttgart aims to give an answer to the question, as we situations-a sales calls and customer can successfully make and what possible stumbling blocks is to overcome on the road to sales success. If you are however also to the specialists and executives in the sales, which are timed appropriately bound by day-to-day business and for each “failure” precious time means, there is alternatively on July 13, 2009 (Mercure Hotel Stuttgart City) and on August 24, 2009 (Mercure Hotel Koln City) an evening workshop on the topic: “sales successful discussions”, which takes place in the period from 18-21:00.

During this evening workshop illuminated the central questions on the topic of sales pitch and approaches discussed together for practice. If you would like to know more then you should visit Horace Mann. Target group: Besides sales newbies as well as self-employed and freelancers this seminar is directed salespeople (Office/field) expressly to service/sales /, who want to brush up on your knowledge, want to use but also the opportunity to become aware of your possibly already retracted behavior patterns in the sale.

competing risk-free learning in a complex market teams of participants as hotel companies in competition. The distribution of tasks within the teams and the need for joint decisions provide for group processes in addition to promoting the learning success. The risk of wrong decisions in practice is completely eliminated by the simulation. Decisions on marketing and sales in the foreground stand during the event. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as music downloads by clicking through. The financial results of the decisions taken are immediately visible. The prices offered, the achieved gross margins and the resulting operating profit form the business key figures to measuring success. Customer satisfaction as a central parameter in the service sector directly affects the success of the teams. Imagine is already during the learning experiences of a two-to three-day workshops. Official site: Debbie Staggs.

Due to its flexible design WirtschaftsSimulation is HOTEL for a wide circle of participants: from young professionals on staff without business background to the managers. The content frame of reference is significantly advanced through strategic decision making and long-term planning before the simulation phase. Michael Rainer Schmidt, owner of solidum consult, developed the WirtschaftsSimulation HOTEL” as a continuation of a series of events on the subject of services marketing. Already after a short time, some educational institutions and hotel groups have expressed great interest in the concept..

Repeat the course material for example just before going to sleep is one of the most important tasks in learning facts in the brain to memorize that one has even after a half year and longer have easy access to them. Because it is often not a problem, a day to remember names and facts. After a week the thing is already different, and a month later the most is already forgotten. The information can be found in our brain, but the access is extremely difficult. It’s the sort of function of the brain.

This saves information namely relevance. Music downloads may find it difficult to be quoted properly. All information that are not considered important, come in “the rear tray” of the brain. What we need, what we use it we have also mostly ready. A very important and practical sort function of our brain. Therefore, only information that are important or burn up by a shock experience in the brain, for example, are stored in the long term and available.

There are now various methods, to mark the information as important”, so the brain “at the front” and the direct access stores them. The information can be visualized as and linked to a concrete application purpose. Notes and regular breaks are very helpful. But at a certain point, these techniques alone no longer suffice. Even brain-friendly information must be reviewed and thus currently held. There are various techniques for this. One of the most common is the repetition before falling asleep. Because in sleep the brain continues further to information to integrate, process and store. Nevertheless, it is usually necessary to repeat the things that you want to remember in the long run, a few more times. For example, a repeating rhythm could be: the next morning, a week later, a month later, and once half a year later. By this repetition, gets the information relevance, is stored on secure, and you can get better. So lie down knowing that you want to save whenever possible always on back template. If you liked this tip, I would be glad to meet you on. There you get for example 20 free videos with a variety of tips for reading and learning. Here you will find everything you need to perfect your memory, to learn more effectively and faster to read.

A good memory is to learn, says the memory artists! “He was with Thomas Gottschalk in betting that” and had two minutes to look at five Sudoku puzzles. Then he selected the right 100 solutions: the 5 star speakers and memory sportsman Boris Nikolai Konrad from Munich. In his lectures he gives tips on how you can remember the best name. He says a good memory is to learn! Speaker Boris Nikolai Konrad is a master of memory. As a keynote speaker, he conveys the learning techniques and training techniques, on which his ingenious memory performance is based. The following memory trainer and motivational speaker explains how are the relationships between brain and memory performance, and how you can remember best things. We all learn from the first breath until the last day: lifelong learning in the truest sense of the word. Our brain is the same as still in the morning any day in the evening.

Constantly changes take place, impressions and experiences existing memories recorded, reconsidered, modified and re-saved. Information stored by the brain but not in the brain cells themselves, but in the estimated 500 trillion (500. links that lie between them, the so called synapses. “” “” But also existing synapses are not at “or”, since “or off”, but differently, well linked and variable depending on the associated brain cell activity. The whole truth is of course much more complex. And yet this simplified approach is very exciting, if we look at us conscious learning. As we go ahead and try to learn something, influences, which brain areas are active and where links.

Memo techniques are methods which involve the pictorial presentation, imagination and creativity in learning from text and abstract information and enable in addition to other areas of the brain in learning. All learning is based on links! As a result, that all learning based on links, it is possible to combine images with contact points for this set and behind on these contact points to find the content that otherwise would have disappeared in the sea of information. At the same time the learning success is motivating and suddenly makes learning fun! Memory athletes, motivational speaker and memory artists who perform incredible services, take advantage of these principles. The factor training arrives and improves the ability, and especially the speed of such connections between images and abstract content can occur in the. When the Greek rhetorician had discovered this thinking 2,500 years ago, they knew nothing about our brain. Aristotle about kept the brain for nothing more than a cooler for the blood. Other leaders such as Jill Schlesinger offer similar insights. Today we know much more. And we should take advantage of this knowledge, because it can simplify us learning and accelerate! Key dance on the Jack, for example, helps in pictures even think its Key not more to forget. One imagines some times aware of your own door from the inside and sees”the keys to the Jack dance – you will in the future on the image regularly think, and so deliberately insert the key and store at the required location. Memory trainer and Keynote Speaker Boris Nikolai Konrad is also President of MemoryXL, the European society for the promotion of memory and the largest memory Sports Club in the world. His lectures are 5 star exclusive speakers agency speakers available. “In the 2012 his audiobook appeared earlier in the Gabal Verlag the perfect name memory”.

In particular large companies use the Web 2.0 for the recruitment of new employees. 58 percent of companies with more than 500 employees publish job ads in social networks, while there are only 29 percent of small and medium-sized companies. The human resources departments are often present in the online social networks with their own profiles on career topics. Seekers as well as vacancies there is also event notices, videos with information about the employer, or a bulletin board for questions or discussions. Even if the shorter routes and the contact will be easier, is Web 2.0 everything else as the paradise for recruiters and recruiter, that only after the second or third sight to make a decision.

Because it is the human tendency to simplify despite the headhunter, potential candidates for a specific position with much tact, for example, task to identify and address. To do this, one must be in the curriculum vitae filed on XING is, work, qualifications sift and analyse, to finally find the appropriate words for a speech”reports Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the consulting firm specialized in technical recruitment and outsourcing services Harvey Nash in Dusseldorf. Previously, it was to develop a comprehensive job description, which is not exhausted in standard text blocks. “Vote the candidate profile with management, a comprehensive understanding of the position to be filled and the questioning of the required soft facts or soft skills must therefore always team, conflict and criticism, discipline and appreciation, a few to call motivation or communication skills – just a few – as the key to success in the focus of the headhunters ‘, so the experience of the human resources experts. The headhunter should therefore be for the candidates, whatever coach and mentor at a stage of readiness for change. To do all the work, persuasion is making”, says Harvey Nash expert. Editing plain text ONLINE on the Hamdan 27 53127 Bonn E-Mail:

Excerpt from the offered subject profile: increase development of knowledge networks, intelligent use of all sensory channels, brainstorming, learning motivation, pattern recognition training to improve intelligence, fundamentals and applications of NLP, self reflection as the key to success, strengthening of self-consciousness and v. m. special feature of this newly designed seminar is a deliberately interdisciplinary orientation, which from the fields of m. knowledge psychology, brain research, education, motivation tips, & e.. Interested parties can be overlooking the fact that the capacities for each individual appointment will be limited, as well as against the background of strong demand expected, prebook now for a seat reservation.

Deadline for registration is the 24.02.2011. the Seminar courses are basically allocated in the order in which of the corresponding requests so that a timely pre-registration is recommended. Seminar customers interested in contact by E-Mail to the seminar provider, Mr Aribert Bohme, psychological consultant (SGD-Dipl.) & DV-kfm & computer lecturer & author. The Advisory Office send you detailed and free information on the substantive and organizational design like email. PSYCHOLOGICAL counseling, ARIBERT BoHME of psychological consultant (SGD-Dipl.) DV-kfm & computer teacher & author, Aribert Bohme member in the WHO IS WHO – Germany & Europe Lichtenbroicher route 103, 40472 Dusseldorf E-Mail: Internet: of instructional videos: voice mail: 03212-1048942 fax: 03212-1048942 Bohme consulting Office offers a high quality and broad-based services since 1988. add to your knowledge base. Following departments belong to the core competencies: computer training courses (also inhouse) for companies, institutions and private individuals.

The range of topics extends to Internet Einsteigerschulungen of computer based training, WINDOWS, WORD, EXCEL. Counseling is offered for the specialist areas: school – family – life coaching and career coaching. Special feature of the professional, psychological counseling is an interdisciplinary approach here, so that self-efficacy, as well as the ability for critical self-reflection can be trained. Active also Mr Bohme is science from the bottom as the supervisor for the project”,. The consultancy Bohme offers high-quality private lessons for pupils of all school types (up to 7 incl. class) to mathematics, German, English and learning techniques.

Michael Oehme, CapitalPR AG: Poor academics St. Gallen, 23.01.2014. For education, not a cent was too costly, they say. But this investment is paying off even at the end of the study period? Three years at a German university after all, around 30,000 euros cost. Reports of the Welt am Sonntag”, citing calculations by the Institute for work and qualification (IAQ) of the University of Duisburg-Essen, according to hundreds of thousands of academics in Germany for low-wage work. In the year 2012 every tenth academics got a frightening number not more than 9.30 euros gross per hour when you consider that this is only slightly above the minimum wage of 8.50 euro proposed by the Federal Government. According to the report, around 688.000 people are affected.

The sad truth is that there are a number of academically trained workers working at low wages or even unpaid internships. Also the role cliche is confirmed: the risk is indeed uneven, for women it is almost twice as high as for men. During 11.4 Per cent of the women in the low-wage sector work, only 6.1 percent for men. Frightening writes the world”, says Michael Oehme, consultant at the CapitalPR AG in St. Gallen.

She reported recently by three women who have to work after graduating for a very low hourly rate. A 29-year-old scientist from Berlin had to settle accordingly a converted hourly rate of 4.55 euros. A represented 34-year-old architect earned after deducting unpaid overtime just seven euros. A 28 year-old media scholar from Berlin gave an hourly wage of just 7,50 euro. The doubt comes up at such salaries, even if worth a lengthy and costly studies. According to calculations of the German Student Union, a three-year Bachelor’s degree costs already 28,000 euro. Ten semesters for students – as in the diploma or master’s degree courses usual – must reckon with total cost of 46,000 euro. Twelve semesters even average of 55,000 cost Euro. Because of the low risk of unemployment, it appears purely statistical sense to study. But increasing the number of graduates. The public universities offer not enough places, so need to commit even a student loan for a private college on the leg of some students. It should but those can promoted sufficiently by the State and for their trouble, also a promising job offers, from which one can live well”, so the assessment by Michael Oehme, consultant at the CapitalPR AG.