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the perception was made through the tateamento for the body and of the verbal stimulatons. Each meeting was constructed around the impasses that the citizens tried in in agreement construction the advance of awareness of the rhythms of each one. A strategy to each impasse was proposal told for the citizens. Some times such strategies were redimensionadas by the pupils. Results and Quarrel the results had been argued in partnership with the citizens. In the analysis of the results some axles are considered pertinent: the transformations of the body for advent of the corporal expression, the limitations proceeding from the visual deficiency According to Tavares (2003): ' ' The recognition and acceptance of our corporal limitations gain here the meaning of differentiation and matureness. Case 1: The subject to one it had notion of the physical space, where it carried through its corporal activities. I did not need to tell the perception of the space, for if dealing with familiar place for the young woman.
Case 2: The subject B. did not have notion of the physical space which was offered for the accomplishment of its corporal activities. In this in case that, I needed to tell the physical space all so that it could be situated and perceive the space best. The corporal notion by means of the tateamento of the body and the stimulatons verbal, they had contributed for the perception of the movement of the dance, of the corporal expression and memorization of the steps. With these elements of the movement, the group acquired domain, balance, force and general coordination, through appropriate techniques to its physical condition on the movements. Consideraes final These results indicate the necessity to retake the subject of the body as support. The dance is divided in dancers who already know and live the dance in its lives, and those that had not yet found chance to disclose the dance in its lives, what it inside exists of itself the desire of if expressing corporally.
As future educators, we need to provoke in educating a process I continue to think the patrimonial education as valuation active form and qualification of the past to usufruct of our cultural identity in the gift. With the look in the past through the historic site and architectural, steady, structurally possible of study, it analyzes and contemplation and another look in the future of the adult in process of search of recognition of this past, of its cultural identity, so that it has conditions to act in the gift, it is inevitable the concern with the creation and application of techniques with quality and mainly with the formation of the professional specialized compromised with a education generated in the pertaining to school passage. With this vision, we look for to find the methodology most adequate to paar that the patrimonial education it can happen. The pedagogical workshop demonstrates to be the form of practises educative more democratic and dialectic. To work with the boarding material and incorporeal patrimony that can be of great or small value, with the patrimony spiritual that they are the last teachings of generation for generation, to know domestic servants to them, constitutes priority for the development of the patrimonial education. The individual also is constituted of natural memory, based in this affirmation, searchs to provoke interest in educating to approach the subject patrimony. The memory provides to the human being to store the knowledge is this conscientious or unconscious knowledge, the assimilation if accomodates and starts to be part of the learning of an individual. Leaving of this premise, a simple object of the daily one as a photo, a picture, a house, a way, will be able to represent the bases of the elaboration of the concept patrimony. Being thus, we consider to leave of it I break up house, souvenirs and objects for then giving continuity with the community, school, city.
The morphology studies the internal structure of the words or the signals and the rules that form the words or signals. As well as the words, the Pounds belong to the lexical categories or the classroom of words, such as name, verb, adjective and adverb. The semiotics, according to Sausurre, is the science that studies the signs of not isolated form, simultaneously studies the signs from the significao process. The sign is the significant addition between and meaning. The objective of study of the semiotics is the signs, that nothing more are that something that can be in the place of another thing, so that a person can understand or interpret what she is, or what she reveals.
The semiotics studies all the codes, all verbal and not verbal languages e, therefore it is basic for a study that treats on Pounds. Being thus the Pounds if it shows as a linguistic system of transmission of ideas, abstract concepts, allowing the deaf person to express itself perfectly. One concludes that the languages of signals are so rich and complete grammatical as any said language. 2-O Ensino of the Mathematics for deaf pupils to teach to mathematics the deaf people is necessary beyond understanding the contents mathematical and knowing the Language Brazilian of signals, to know the deaf culture through the participation and experience in the deaf Community, accepting the difference and having patience to inquire itself in it. Soon, beyond the linguistic question, she is basic to be intent to the culture that the deaf person is inserted. As much the deaf community as the listener has its culture and, therefore, a proposal beyond being bilingual must be bicultural. This is, must favor the natural access of the deaf person to the deaf community, allow that it if recognizes as integrant part of this community and still participates of the community listener.
The companies have global strategies called organizacionais strategies, and functional strategies, related with each one of the functional areas of the organization. Complementing the idea, she affirms that ‘ ‘ The operation strategy has a target narrower it deals mainly with the operational aspect of organizao’ ‘ (STEVENSON, 2001, P. 31). This strategy this related with products, processes, methods, resources for the operation, quality, cost, lead teamses and programmings. So that they are efficient, this strategy of each function must be entailed with the organizacional strategy although the two to be formulated independently. 2.1.4 Productive capacity and its factors of influence. According to Stevenson author (2001), the capacity is the superior limit or the ceiling of position that an operational unit can support.
The operational unit can be a plant, a department, a store, or an employee. Some companies make this choice frequent, others make with baixssima frequency. To complete the idea, Moreira (2002) affirms that the decisions on the capacity are important, therefore influences in the future of the unit of production in what it refers to the planejamentos of the productive installations and necessities of man power and equipment. Second Stevenson (2001), in the choice of the capacity is important to choose one that does not demand of update. In the production processes that are involved only one product/service, it is more easy to define a capacity of the productive unit that it does not need the update demand.
The necessity of the capacity must adjust the situation under consideration. No measure of alone capacity always will be adjusted. ‘ ‘ We call capacity to the maximum amount of products and services that can be produced in a productive unit, in data interval of tempo’ ‘ (Moreira, 2002, p.149). Each productive unit has its productive capacity. Some times these productive units can work in its total capacity or can until working more than what its total capacity. In case that it is working above of the total capacity the basic reference were modified, therefore it is not possible to have capacity above of 100%. To measure the capacity, the following formula must be followed: NXQXM=Capacidade, where: N= Number total of employees. Q= How many hours per day each employee works M= How many assemblies is made for the moment employed x. Moreira (2002) cites the example of a department of the company who possesss 5 (five) employed that they work 8 hours/day, producing an amount of 20 assembly/employee hour/. Applying the formula, one meets that the capacity of this company is of 800 assemblies/day. NXQXM=Capacidade 5X8X20=800 assemblies/day. According to Stevenson (2001), many times the production controlling are involved more in the operational decisions of day-by-day of what in the decisions of the system project, being that these decisions possess parameters for the operation of the system. The effective capacity can be of project or. The project capacity is the definition of the maximum capacity that can be reached. The capacity accomplishes is the possible maximum production, considering one determined product, the programming difficulties, the maintenance of the machines, factors of the quality and so on. Some factors they are determinative of the capacity accomplishes. To explain and to complement, Moreira (2002) affirms that the factors that more influence in the capacity are: – Installation: The size of the unit of production is very important and is recommendable to leave a vacant space for future expanses.
These, as already cited, can happen of deliberate or accidental form, as well as by means of riots provoked in the environment physicist or in the proper community. In if treating to vegetal species, a cause comumente associated to the occurrence of invaders is the revolvimento or the fertilizao of the ground, microclimatic alterations and until the elimination of undesirable species, in order to create niche chances the foreign species. The similarity between the new environment and the place of origin also becomes related with the success of one given vegetal species in fixing as invading (MATOS & PIVELLO, 2009). Another factor of great impact to be taken in account amongst the causes associates to the introduction of invading vegetal species in surrounding data would biopirataria is it. It can would biopirataria be appraised it as being the act to illegally assume of some resources of a specific fauna or flora. According to Gomes (2007), it is also the exploration, manipulation, exportation of biological resources, with commercial ends, and bringing in itself the idea of specimen contraband of the flora and fauna with appropriation of its active principles and monopolizao of this knowledge by means of the system of patents. It would biopirataria to Comumente finishes for injuring it populations that throughout the centuries had made use of the appropriate resources, a time that the same ones do not participate of the resultant profits of the exploration of its fauna and flora. For definition the concept is gotten hurt then of that the information that a group of individuals collected throughout years are a collective good, not being able to be commercialized as a market object any.