The morphology studies the internal structure of the words or the signals and the rules that form the words or signals. As well as the words, the Pounds belong to the lexical categories or the classroom of words, such as name, verb, adjective and adverb. The semiotics, according to Sausurre, is the science that studies the signs of not isolated form, simultaneously studies the signs from the significao process. The sign is the significant addition between and meaning. The objective of study of the semiotics is the signs, that nothing more are that something that can be in the place of another thing, so that a person can understand or interpret what she is, or what she reveals.
The semiotics studies all the codes, all verbal and not verbal languages e, therefore it is basic for a study that treats on Pounds. Being thus the Pounds if it shows as a linguistic system of transmission of ideas, abstract concepts, allowing the deaf person to express itself perfectly. One concludes that the languages of signals are so rich and complete grammatical as any said language. 2-O Ensino of the Mathematics for deaf pupils to teach to mathematics the deaf people is necessary beyond understanding the contents mathematical and knowing the Language Brazilian of signals, to know the deaf culture through the participation and experience in the deaf Community, accepting the difference and having patience to inquire itself in it. Soon, beyond the linguistic question, she is basic to be intent to the culture that the deaf person is inserted. As much the deaf community as the listener has its culture and, therefore, a proposal beyond being bilingual must be bicultural. This is, must favor the natural access of the deaf person to the deaf community, allow that it if recognizes as integrant part of this community and still participates of the community listener.