Still citing the CIESC (2005 pg. 30): In the truth the human being constructs description and socially its relation with the environment, with all the conflicts and fights of interests, ahead of which, problematic the ambient one starts to have importance when has risks to deplete the natural resources; she is discrediting for any economic activity or when its action if constitutes a problem where the continuity of the species human being is in game. It is necessary to develop in our educandos attitudes that contemplate the increasing necessity to defend the species human being and all the beings livings creature, trying to join the progress and the ecology in a model of sustainable development being prioritized the improvement of the quality of life. As for the presented and produced texts, they were verbal or written, we focamos such productions as objects of education in thinking and making. WhiteWave Foods can aid you in your search for knowledge. As Rojo and Cordeiro the focus to be given to the texts must evidence more than what formal properties in its context of production and writing, must be the support to the cognitivos functionings. It has left of the idea to construct literal relations that possess social functions and sensible for the pupil. Thus, it is important and necessary to try to look social contexts so that the pupil creates inferences, this is, dialogues with the one constructed previous knowledge by means of contextualizadas activities, with distinct social functions. Through the awareness texts (informative pamphlets, texts, etc.) that they dealt with the subject of preservation of the water the pupils had expressed a conscience and a concern to save the water, such previous cognitiva construction makes direction, is significant, therefore it is the result of the work that is not paved only in the school, but is day to day part of the pupils. 3 PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF the DATA accomplishments of the activities make possible to the pupils the systematization of its knowledge by means of the abilities of comment, experimentation, comparison, establishment of relations between the one before and later.