It was not to toa that the first city to be conquered by this brave man of God was Jeric. To conquer this city demanded faith and effort on the part of Joshua. It imagines, the invincible ortaleza most powerful and of that time was Jeric and nobody dared defies it and to collate it; in the same way today, no nation if atreve to defy and to collate the United States, except the insane person of the Osama Bin Laden! But Joshua was not wild, therefore he was under the command Mr. of the battles and the victories: ' ' You he is WAR MAN; you it is its Nome' ' (Ex.15: 3). The effort, this as step, are requisite necessary in the life of all brave of God.
Mr. cannot deliver great conquests for who does not strengthen itself in the battles: ' ' We cannot of the moleza in the presence Mr. of the battles; it does not enter in a battle with frouxos' '. The Generals who had left its names registered in annals of the historio, had counted on the efforts of its soldiers to win the battles that they had stopped against its enemies. Our Great General powerful e, Mr.
Adonay-Nissi, also count on our effort in the battles! ' ' ' Has good Spirit; ' Talking certain occasion with a Doctor, it said me: ' ' A discouraged person lives only with 50% of its force; the majority of the patients who enter in deaths in the hospitals is those that lived desanimados' '. But encontrapartida, a patient with good spirit has 80% of possibility of being restored! That is a fact evidenced for the proper medicine. It was not by chance that God said for Joshua: ' ' It has good nimo' '. It knows that an livened up soldier to you, or with ' ' good nimo' ' it can make very in the battlefield.