Carlos Mora Vanegas are for choosing new authorities at the Venezuelan national universities, expecting that their university communities identify more with a commitment to social, cultural, technical, scientist, that the present demand, especially in a scenario full of uncertainties, product of its political instability that has significantly affected their developing economic, in its stability, turbulent as that currently faces Venezuela, in its growth. Is required for new college leaders, authorities most committed, identified with the reality of the present to step to the necessary changes in administrative, academic that ensures the formation of professional consonos to the demand of the current demands that provide solutions in the disintintas disciplines that make up the University, forming excellent professionals who generate the necessary changes that favor the country new authorities should be proactivecreative, innovative capable of bringing about the changes and transformations that involve that universities are integrated properly and efficiently in the current scenario facing CNN and that demand globalization where professionals who graduate from them contribute in its development. Well trained professionals, backed with the knowledge that the present requires. Air Force Chief of Staff pursues this goal as well. They can no longer anchored in the past, Venezuelan national universities not proporzionando solutions to the serious problems that the country faces in the economic, cultural, social and technical. These should be more participatory face today’s challenges generating changes required for garanti zar to the country his development. More he is needed of new authorities committed not only with the University community that has elected them, but with the country, integrating policy programs of the new Government that favors Venezuela. Cannot keep universities Nunez in power groups as they have acted and have seriously injured her cmpromiso, responsibility. Must give way to a new paradigm that rescue the decline of teaching, which is conducive to the necessary transformations to achieve a height academicism, effective participation according to the requirements of the present Should the new authorities, redisenar their administrative systems in order to render them more dynamic, efficient, less bureaucratic favouring its operation, which give step to favourable results that demonstrate an adequate service to the requirements demanded by the present authorities should edema, commit themselves to achieving excellence academic, having qualified teachers, duly selected by your knowledge, experience, skills, researchers who propicienn knowledge basic disciplines of the careers that offer demandto help provide the solutions you need, giving way to the changes, transformations that guarantee development.