Managing Director

Change: What is the next stage? Long-eared bat: After a perceived by both sides as a reasonable time of one to three years the majority shareholding of the company could be done by the previously hired Managing Director, so as “Management buy-out”. The withdrawal of the seller from the operational activity seems right now. I think the formation of an Advisory Board makes sense, in which the old owner should have seat, voice, and possibly even the Presidency as possible again for a temporary period of its larger companies. Image during possible the subsequent retirement from the Panel. Change: How should the Panel be occupied? Long-eared bat: Not only with the friends of the old entrepreneur, but also at least in equal numbers with consultants of the new entrepreneur. So also the Advisory Committee can replace the experience and historical knowledge of the company and are a learning organization in support of senior management.

The efficiency is secured, if no more members of the Advisory Board are, than can fit around a round dining table. Change: When should the sale process be initiated? Long-eared bat: Sure then, if it is visible that in the context of the succession is not interested or appropriate owner for the company to provide. A succession at risk otherwise the life’s work of the entrepreneur and the jobs of employees. An inherited company for inheriting family members should not be to the load. A sale are free from this burden and are the heirs by the proceeds of freedoms for the design of own life dreams.

Just small medium-sized companies, which have no functioning second management level in entrepreneurial quality, and mean I mainly leadership and foresight, should seriously in Consider that a successor Managing Director”at an early stage in house to pick up. Change: How do you finance the company purchase? “Long-eared bat: here, a mix of private money and – depending on the magnitude of the transaction – comes from bank loans, and if appropriate also by non-bank money” from the private equity into consideration but only if the private-equity investors renounced the operational impact to management. Change: Thank you Mr. Dr. Lachelle for the interview. The interview was conducted by Ralf Baumeister, CEO of staff change. Staff exchange is an Internet platform on which medium-sized business owners and business seller and their corporate successor (MBI candidates) and corporate buyers find absolutely accurate to each other without much effort.

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