The institutional memory directly is related to its development and performance, as the real demands of the society in constant transformation, being able even though to serve of base for the organizational culture of the school or the system of education. As it affirms Bolivar, ‘ ‘ the aprendentes organizations do not appear of the nothing. They are fruit of a set of attitudes, commitments, processes and strategies that have of being cultivados’ ‘ (1997, P. 91). They have a life passage or, as it affirms S-Key, they have a life history. It competes to the supervisors, if to want to be leader of aprendentes communities, to make the reading of the institutional passages of life, to provoke the quarrel and the negotiation of ideas, to rendibilizar the reflection and the learning in group, to organize the thought and the action of the collective one of the individual people. (…) The institutional development occurs in the interaction of relations between the organizations and the involving way, but also them interactions between its members (…). We must recognize that the life of the institutions, as of the people, develops cultures, regulations, routines.
(ALARCO: 2001, P. 41, 43) Experiences, over all the good ones, are excellent faces for necessary problematizaes in the teaching formation and the daily one of classroom as instrument of more valuable register of quefazer pedagogical-professor can make possible this in the possible simple way most concrete and, without necessity of energy great expense and as much available time. Projects that had given certain that had not given does not have to be main reason to transform a reality educational. Pedagogo must have as premise that the daily one can and must be transformed, but with the best elements for in such a way and not as simple critical proposal and to ‘ ‘ velho’ ‘. What it is observed in general way, is that the schools if hold with amnesia.