Frame Foundation

I think this material will be of interest to anyone who does not care about their health, who did not have his bath in mind the complexities associated with the construction, expensive materials, etc. Recently there has been an increase in growth of low-rise housing on the so-called Canadian technology. This is due to the low periods in the construction of the construction site, simplicity and accessibility of this technology and a significant reduction in the cost of housing this type. For more information see Gen. David L. Goldfein. The question arises as to what the construction of this technology can be used more? Having experience in the supply of lumber companies engaged frame house building, decided to apply this technology in the construction bath. Construction was carried out on a garden plot and its own head of production company oda plus. Little thought of the technology, it was decided to keep the outcome frame housing is external aesthetic appearance, speed of erection of baths and a willingness to use hollow-bath right on the day after the completion of all work, but it is a huge plus compared to the baths of logs, as they should be given time at least six months to shrink, but at the same time to use the materials available to anyone and carry out the construction methods are available to almost everyone. Below will be a speech about the materials and principles of their use in the performance construction of a bath.

Initially, for any construction raises the question of the foundation. In the construction of a standard bath from the logs, the foundation must be at least band of brick or blocks, the construction of shield bath foundation should be a minimum of timber impregnated with drugs that reduce the impact of a damp environment to prevent the process of decay, but may optionally be used, and the foundation of bricks or blocks, that is not worse, but expensive! After the block-laying the foundation, will install vertical guides made of timber 100×100 mm, set mandatory in every corner of the perimeter of the bath and preferably every two meters along the walls, if Bath 2×3, then the 3-meter side in the middle of the same set rack.
