Federal Centre Resources

The prerequisites for the development and implementation information and communication technologies in education and research are: – The Federal Target Program “Development of a unified educational information environment”, which resulted in the most important breakthrough in providing the educational institutions computers, as well as the launch and development of regional programs of informatization of education – project “Informatization of Education”, whose goal was to create environment to support system implementation and active use of information and communication technologies in educational institutions; – The priority national project “Education”, the implementation activities which were aimed at ensuring the availability, creation of equal conditions of education, including by ensuring that all schools access to global information resources available online Internet – Based on the priorities of the educational system of the Russian Federation in 2006 launched the Federal Target Programme for the Development of Education in 2006 – 2010 (FTSPRO), a complex interrelated in terms of resources and activities covering changes in the structure, content and technology education, including extensive use in the Russian Federation of Information and communication technologies for all educational levels. The program has developed a new electronic educational content, put into operation a special Federal Center Information Educational Resources (FTSIOR). The website of the Federal Centre for Information and educational resources can be downloaded for more than 10 000 EORov new generation. OPC – digital educational resources under the digital educational resources (OPC) means any educational information that is stored on digital media. ADCs are divided into two groups – information sources, which are understood all set different materials in a digital format used in the classroom – the texts, static and dynamic images, animated models, etc.

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